
As this is a commercial game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: AK推理社
5 players (2 male, 3 female)

This is another old case from the 豪门 series that still holds up decently today. Some strengths that it shares with《月落洼》include substantial case-solving despite a modest amount of reading; enough room for the murderer to manoeuvre; and a forgiving 5-hour estimated playtime.

There’s also the distinctive (?) 豪门 practice of unlocking certain character clues when other players mention keywords — a fun way to ensure that players are really listening to each other.

While there are cool revelations in store, experienced players might find these more pedestrian than in《月落洼》– though this also means that《孽岛疑云》is more beginner-friendly, as long as said beginners are prepared for rigorous case-solving.

While not gamechanging, this should be a safe choice for any case-focused group.

Try if you like: A traditional but non-trivial PvP case; playing a murderer with a fair chance of escaping.

Not recommended for: Players who prefer cooperative games.


As this is a commercial game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: AK推理社
7 players (3 female, 4 male)

The first of a trilogy, this 2020 case is widely seen as better than its successors《集会·魔女屋》and《漫游·白兔屋》– and just an overall classic. I think it deserves that reputation; even today, it should still satisfy experienced players.

Above all,《档案·玻璃屋》felt well-rounded for a hardcore case. It has a good mix of case-solving and story reconstruction, and spends some (but not too much) time on character depth and thematic concerns. Its twists are surprising without being too ridiculous.

The one area where it lacks balance is in the individual characters; some are clearly more central to the narrative, so players of other characters might feel sidelined.

Still, the case manages to have a good mix of content while remaining cohesive and compact, with a playtime of about 5 hours. I also really enjoyed the endgame. A solid choice for any case-focused group.

Try if you like: Case-solving in general; a mix of murder-solving and story-reconstruction; twists.

Not recommended for: A full group of complete beginners.


As this is a commercial game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: AK推理社
5 players (2 female, 3 male)

《盲点》is by 王鑫, who co-wrote《年轮》and also wrote《余香》— but it isn’t as highly regarded as those two works.

The main problem is simply that《盲点》is exhausting, due to its large narrative volume and sprawling cast of characters. There are so many characters and relationships and plot threads that it can be easy to run out of steam.

Granted, this isn’t padding — all these characters do matter. The case itself is substantial and layered, and the eventual revelation of the truth is rewarding. But the journey there is really a slog.

Try if you like: Complex hardcore cases; complicated relationship webs; a focus on reconstructing a story; some degree of social commentary and bleak realism.

Not recommended for: Beginners; players with limited stamina; players who don’t like huge casts of characters.


As this is a commercial game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: AK推理社
6 players (2 female, 4 male)

This old-ish hardcore case is considered a classic, and still holds up well today. After playing more convoluted and outlandish cases, it was refreshing to get back to good old-fashioned real-world murder-solving — there are some modest imaginative leaps required, but the case is in reasonably 本格 territory.

There’s a considerable 还原 element, but this was paced well and didn’t feel overwhelming. The overall game structure was also interesting, though I can’t say more without getting into spoiler territory.

推土机 players might particularly enjoy the fact that the case has no heavy-handed attempts to tug at heartstrings, nor pages of irrelevant narration. Yet the character backstories and underlying story are substantial enough that it doesn’t feel like an abstract murder-solving exercise.

A well-rounded case that I’d recommend for any 推理-focused group of players.

Try if you like: Cases without supernatural elements; actual murder-solving; hardcore cases that don’t rely on misleading writing or deliberate omission of information; hardcore cases in general.

Not recommended for: An entire group of beginners; players who care a lot about emotional immersion.


As this is a commercial game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: AK推理社
7 players (3 female, 4 male)

Written by the author of 《奇妙万事屋》 and 《风吹麦浪》 (and falling between them chronologically, in publication), 《花与爱莉丝》 differs significantly in tone; be prepared for the darker sort of 日式 case.

The case rewards detail-oriented readers, and thus requires all players to be on the ball. Structurally, I liked how some 还原 aspects fed into the 推理ing.

This case relies on dramatic twists, but their effectiveness may vary. One problem (also noted by Chinese reviews) is that some twists are visible early, yet players still need to reach the ‘wrong’ conclusion for the game to progress. Experienced players might have to artificially refuse to consider loose ends until the right time arrives.

Some revelations are also cool in the moment but fall apart under scrutiny. Still, the case is enjoyable enough, especially if you’re inured to sordid aspects.

Try if you like: Close reading and reading between the lines; dramatic twists; questioning one’s earlier conclusions.

Not recommended for: Beginners; players who don’t want too dark a game; players who don’t enjoy being ‘tricked’ by cases; players who are bad with close reading.


As this is a commercial game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: AK推理社
6 players (3 female, 3 male)

《风吹麦浪》is a solid all-rounder that achieves emotional resonance while remaining powered by mystery-solving, with both 推理 and 还原 required.

Unlike some other cases,《风吹麦浪》integrates its emotional and intellectual aspects well, with evocative but not extraneous prose. This makes it friendly towards 推土机 players who just want to focus on the mysteries.

On that front, the 还原 aspect is probably more satisfying than the murders, some of which get a bit silly. The endgame is particularly memorable.

With a runtime of about five hours, this could be a good transition case for beginners who want to tackle 硬核 cases (some companies do classify this as 硬核). Jaded veterans might not find many surprises here, but should still have an enjoyable time.

Try if you like: Emotional resonance alongside solid mystery-solving; some degree of melodrama; a significant focus on the narrative.

Not recommended for: Complete beginners; players with a low tolerance for convoluted locked-room mysteries.


As this is a commercial game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: AK推理社
7 players (3 female, 4 male)

This is a belated review of a case I played in October, so my impression of it has grown somewhat vague.

Although part of the same season/flower-themed, Japanese-style series as《风信子不开的夏天》, 《桔梗花消逝的秋天》is quite different in feel and structure. It’s also slightly longer, with a runtime of 6+ hours.

There are still commonalities with its summer counterpart, including the need to read closely; some attempt at emotional resonance; and the pleasingly intricate way that the characters’ stories intertwine.

One of the murders is pretty silly, but I found the rest quite satisfying, including the big-picture 还原 aspect.

Try if you like: A substantial experience; intertwined storylines; melodramatic character backstories.

Not recommended for: Beginners; players with a low tolerance for slightly silly twists; players who dislike close reading.


As this is a commercial game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: AK推理社
7 players (3 female, 4 male)

This is a belated review of a case I played in September, so I only retain a vague impression of it.

《风信子不开的夏天》is part of a season/flower-themed, Japanese-style series, though each instalment stands alone. As the cover aesthetic and title suggest, this is one of those cases that tries for a touch of literary elevation — or, at least, a case where it’s particularly important to read closely. (It’s not too sordid for a 日式 case.)

Make no mistake, however: this is a 推理/还原 case, not a 情感 one. I enjoyed how intricately the characters’ storylines were intertwined, as well as one particular twist.

While not groundbreaking, it’s a solidly crafted case that’s substantial but doesn’t take too long. We liked it enough to try another in the same series.

Try if you like: A substantial case that only takes around 5 hours; important clues hidden in individual players’ stories; an attempt at emotional immersion even in a case-focused game.

Not recommended for: Beginners; players who don’t like close reading.


As this is a commercial boxed game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: AK推理社
7 players (3 female, 4 male)

Another late review of a game I played in May. I think this was generally quite satisfying, with clear routes to follow and everything clicking together nicely by the end. The overall poker card framework was quite fun, too.

Yes, some particular points might feel contrived (like a much more forgiving version of 《这美好的一天》), but they’re contrived for the sake of the overall logic, if that makes sense. I’d say this is a solid choice for 推理- and 还原-focused players.

There are some surprising plot developments that players might find interesting or disorienting; they certainly made this case memorable, at least.

Try if you like: Organising disparate info and trying to make everything fit; overarching structure/a central conceit; just a solid case-solving time.

Not recommended for: Players who don’t like it when a case hides info in contrived ways.


As this is a commercial boxed game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: AK推理社
6 players (3 female, 3 male)

I played this in May (!) but am only writing about it now, whoops, so this post is is based more on lingering impressions than proper observations.

I suppose what this reminded me of, in general vibes, is《马丁内斯死在惊奇馆》 — a quasi-European setting, clear attempts to appeal to emotion, and the need for creative leaps when figuring out the solutions.

In terms of structure and balance, it fares better than Martinez; it’s also less demanding, as we finished in under 5 hours. Nonetheless, it might still bore players who get impatient with character-establishing, mood-setting prose.

Conversely, players who like games with some emotional resonance may enjoy this. The production values of the physical game materials are pleasingly high, and some light role-playing/dramatic elements aid in immersion.

The creative aspects of case-solving were also quite fun, once one accepts the need for wild ideas.

Try if you like: Multiple cases; creative case-solving; emotional resonance.

Not recommended for: Players who dislike unrealistic settings; players who aren’t interested in emotional aspects.

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