青鸾居 | Qing Luan Residence

This physical-set game is also available in China, so Chinese reviews may exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: LOADING SG
6 characters (2 female, 4 male) with up to 2 additional detectives; also playable with just 5

Set in historical China, this physical-set game is a great all-rounder, with dramatic backstories, plot twists, interesting physical elements, and a solid underlying case.

Case: The case is accessible without being simplistic. Clear threads of logic should allow most groups to approach the truth, while leaving room for the murderer to manoeuvre. There are various fun revelations, some more predictable than others.

Suspects: One or two are less integrated into the storyline, while another one or two have a larger burden to bear, but I don’t think anyone will feel completely left out. It helps that everyone is trying to solve some mysteries and hide some secrets of their own.

Structure: Gameplay begins with a cute narrative skit (小剧场) that includes the detective(s). The endgame is thorough, with reminders that more is at stake than merely the truth of the murder.

That’s the core experience; what about LOADING SG’s specific implementation?

Setting: The dramatic entryway set the tone well. The main playing area is minimalistic in comparison, but cool physical elements do appear later. Costumes were stylish (arrive early if you need time to take photos!) and props were fine.

Translation: Generally clear and fluent. Ironically, bilingual groups might be thrown off by how English versions of names (e.g. Edith, Eric) are used instead of pinyin transliterations — making it easier for those who can’t read Chinese, but possibly causing confusion (and being incongruent with the setting).

Facilitation: Our gamemaster was patient and clear in her explanations, and didn’t assume that players are familiar with the genre; this might be particularly helpful for English-speaking players, who are less likely to have jubensha experience.

Try if you like: Dramatic backstories; discoveries and surprises; physical-set jubensha in general.

Not recommended for: Jaded veterans who are tired of common jubensha tropes? But I’d recommend this case to anyone, really.

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