
As this is a commercial game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: AK推理社
5 players (2 female, 3 male)

《盲点》is by 王鑫, who co-wrote《年轮》and also wrote《余香》— but it isn’t as highly regarded as those two works.

The main problem is simply that《盲点》is exhausting, due to its large narrative volume and sprawling cast of characters. There are so many characters and relationships and plot threads that it can be easy to run out of steam.

Granted, this isn’t padding — all these characters do matter. The case itself is substantial and layered, and the eventual revelation of the truth is rewarding. But the journey there is really a slog.

Try if you like: Complex hardcore cases; complicated relationship webs; a focus on reconstructing a story; some degree of social commentary and bleak realism.

Not recommended for: Beginners; players with limited stamina; players who don’t like huge casts of characters.

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