
As this is a commercial game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: AK推理社
5 players (2 male, 3 female)

This is another old case from the 豪门 series that still holds up decently today. Some strengths that it shares with《月落洼》include substantial case-solving despite a modest amount of reading; enough room for the murderer to manoeuvre; and a forgiving 5-hour estimated playtime.

There’s also the distinctive (?) 豪门 practice of unlocking certain character clues when other players mention keywords — a fun way to ensure that players are really listening to each other.

While there are cool revelations in store, experienced players might find these more pedestrian than in《月落洼》– though this also means that《孽岛疑云》is more beginner-friendly, as long as said beginners are prepared for rigorous case-solving.

While not gamechanging, this should be a safe choice for any case-focused group.

Try if you like: A traditional but non-trivial PvP case; playing a murderer with a fair chance of escaping.

Not recommended for: Players who prefer cooperative games.

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