
As this is a commercial boxed game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: AK推理社
7 players (3 female, 4 male)

Another late review of a game I played in May. I think this was generally quite satisfying, with clear routes to follow and everything clicking together nicely by the end. The overall poker card framework was quite fun, too.

Yes, some particular points might feel contrived (like a much more forgiving version of 《这美好的一天》), but they’re contrived for the sake of the overall logic, if that makes sense. I’d say this is a solid choice for 推理- and 还原-focused players.

There are some surprising plot developments that players might find interesting or disorienting; they certainly made this case memorable, at least.

Try if you like: Organising disparate info and trying to make everything fit; overarching structure/a central conceit; just a solid case-solving time.

Not recommended for: Players who don’t like it when a case hides info in contrived ways.

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