
As this is a commercial boxed game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: DUAL LIFE 第二人生推理馆
6 players (3 male, 3 female)

This hardcore 硬核 case takes a while to get going, but the journey is worth it. It has an interestingly immersive and multi-layered structure, with early game rounds taking on a deeper significance as the case proceeds.

With a wide-ranging plot and a surfeit of details, the case may feel overwhelming at the start — but it’s satisfying to spot the links and piece things together.

Some of the things you’ll have to consider, in your pursuit of the truth, are refreshingly atypical.《虚构推理》has some very clever moves — detractors might find these too clever, but I’d personally consider this a must-play for its unique structure and mystery-solving process.

Try if you like: Atypical approaches to mystery-solving; diegetic gameplay; a multi-layered challenge.

Not recommended for: Beginners; players who prefer a more straightforward presentation of cases; players who might feel overwhelmed by too many narrative strands.

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