
As this is a commercial boxed game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: AK推理社
7 players (3 male, 4 female)

《漓川怪谈簿》is a fun experience that could serve as a bridge between beginner-friendly cases and hardcore 硬核 ones; indeed, some reviews even classify it as a 硬核 case.

It offers something for everyone: locked room mysteries; a supernatural setting, but with rigorous murder-solving; backstories to unravel; some big-picture mysteries; and unexpected twists.

There’s an undercurrent of humour — including some deliciously, hilariously macabre realisations — but also a touch of genuine emotion near the end, that thankfully isn’t overplayed or forced.

The case remains accessible to new players, but has enough interesting aspects that even jaded veterans might be charmed. It’s been described as a must-play stepping-stone in one’s jubensha journey, and I can see why.

Try if you like: The idea of playing a hardcore case, but you’re worried about it being too intense; playing a hardcore-esque case within 5+ hours; just an overall fun time that still has serious mystery-solving.

Not recommended for: Players who really dislike unrealistic settings; players who don’t like gory details.

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