
As this is a commercial boxed game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: 忆南馆
7 players (technically 7 male, but gender irrelevant)

《病娇男孩的精分日记》is a very popular case, which actually made me hesitant to try it; having now played it, I can see why it’s so talked about.

There’s certainly serious case-solving involved, and non-trivial realisations to reach. But the game is best enjoyed as an overall immersive ~experience. To say anything more would be a spoiler.

Serious analysis-focused players should still have enough to chew on, but you’ll get more out of this case if you enjoy the interactive aspects of jubensha. There’s very little text compared to your average case, so this is friendly to players who aren’t good with reading.

Try if you like: Something different; horror elements and dark/twisted plots; narrative immersion; being shookt.

Not recommended for: Strictly case-focused players; players sensitive about depictions of dissociative identity disorder.

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