
As this is a commercial boxed game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: AK推理社
6 players (3 female, 3 male)

《疯子…》is a case that tries to do a lot, to mixed effect; I have similarly mixed feelings.

The active role-playing at the start could be amusing or awkward, depending on player preferences and group composition. After a weirdly draggy warm-up, there’s a substantial amount of case-solving. This is solid enough, with an evidence-search mechanism that starts off meaningful but gets somewhat brute force-y.

By the end, I felt that the game’s ambitions were greater than what it managed to achieve. I don’t think it’s a bad experience per se — the case-solving component is meaty enough to be interesting — but it ends up somewhat muddled.

Try if you like: Role-playing; an experience that goes beyond case-solving; significant interaction with the DM.

Not recommended for: Players who dislike having to act; players who don’t like anything besides pure case-solving.

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