
An English translation of this case is offered by JunXion.

As this is a commercial boxed game, many Chinese reviews exist; you might want to check them out too.

Played at: 梦回 Another Day
5 characters (all female, but it doesn’t really matter)

This hardcore (硬核) case is ideal for players who only care about analysis and inference — otherwise known as 推土机 (‘bulldozer’; a play on the idea of a machine which only engages in 推理ing).

The flip side is that players who enjoy the “emotional journey” aspect of jubensha or who appreciate well-written characters will be disappointed.

There’s also a risk that analysis-focused players may not find the conclusion that satisfying, depending on the kind of analysis they enjoy. While there were various clever touches and moments of realisation that I appreciated, I have to say that I wasn’t a huge fan of the overall inference route.

Thoughts from a friend:
Aside from the usual sort of analysis, [redacted skill] is key to solving the case. It also requires you to take logical leaps without clues, so there’s a high dependency on DM intervention to ensure you can keep moving forward.

Try if you like: Getting engrossed in details; high-concept ideas; a real challenge.

Not recommended for: Beginners; players who care about emotional and narrative aspects; players who dislike overly-detailed analysis.

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